For seniors looking for a new venture, house flipping offers a compelling blend of creativity…

Housing shortages all over the country are forcing families to reconsider home owndership for the time being, thus creating a solid market for multi-family housing. When you invest in rental properties, you create a powerful strategy that will provide consident cash flow every month, as well as other perks.
Higher Income
When you invest in multi-family property, your monthly income is obviously greater than that earned with a single unit. Additionally, monthly rent will be consistent with all units filled. That allows you to pay mortgages and property insurance, as well as allowing you to re-invest in the property as needed.
Build Your Investment Portfolio
It takes time to acquire multiple single-family homes. You can purchase a multi-family property and at least double your leasing potential immediately. The guaranteed income from rentals offsets the initial cash investment duplexes and larger units.
Easier Property Management
The cost of property management for one multi-family unit is much less than trying to manage multiple homes. Hiring out for a property manager is a smart move. The job looks more attractive if all the units are under one roof rather than spread out all over the city.
Build Your Community
Eugene continues to grow, as does the whole of Lane County, and housing is still struggling to keep up with demand. Multiple-family housing offers safe and economical housing relief to new residents. It is also an option for those who are caught between home sales and purchases.
Easier Financing
Getting a loan on a multi-family unit may be easier than you think. Lenders use different loan qualification criteria to evaluate investment or commercial properties than residential properties. Interest rates and down payments may be higher, but consideration of monthly income leases may improve your loan chances.
Faster Equity
When you invest in multi-family property, equity grows more quickly. For instance, improving curb appeal, creating cozy living spaces, and adding amenities such as laundry areas, common reception or lounge areas, and security cameras not only improve your property value, they make renters want to live in your unit. Securing long-term leases and keeping vacancies to a minimum make your property worth more to lenders and to the community.
Tax Breaks
The government likes the idea that you’re providing safe and affordable housing and rewards you with tax incentives. You’re allowed many tax deductions and depreciations and you may qualify for government grants to offset upfront costs. Check with your CPA or tax advisor for more information on tax breaks.
The Bottom Line
The economy is moving upward, but many families are still priced out of their own homes. Offering safe and affordable living accommodations in your area builds trust and helps relieve financial burdens for your renters. The ability to invest in multi-family property can potentially change neighborhoods and consequently, change lives in your community.